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Research Medicare - Helpful Links Below!

Get the most out of medicare

Medicare offers comprehensive health insurance coverage to people 65 and older and younger people with disabilities and certain medical conditions. But the decisions and choices you face can be confusing and overwhelming. And if you make a wrong move, you can end up losing a lot of money.

Starting Medicare has never been as simple as signing up when you turn 65. If you time your enrollment wrong you can end up paying extra money for Medicare for the rest of your life or paying for parts of Medicare that you may not need. Golden Insurance will walk you step by step through the process.

Review some of the site listed below to furter educate yourself on Medicare. Give us call when you're ready to discuss what's right for your needs. Golden Insurance 734.320.1992 A federal government website managed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244

Social Security can provide you with benefits: when you retire; if you become disabled; and when you die. Review Social Security benefits and protection.